Say Yes

On November 11, 2018, I was asked to give a short message at the time for tithes and offerings.

For some context, I am a member of C3 San Diego.  My family attends a new “East Campus” that is temporarily meeting in a high school auditorium.  We setup and tear down every week, including a massive 30-ish foot tent out front where we serve coffee and donuts each week.  It’s so much more amazing than I ever thought this much work could be.

This is what I said.

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But First, Feed the Five Thousand

Six months before Jesus was born, another baby boy was born.  John was a cousin of Jesus.  He was a miracle baby, born to Elizabeth, who was old and barren.

In my version of how things might have happened, I imagine that Jesus and John played together as children.  Maybe they saw each other all the time, or maybe they only saw each other at the festivals and holidays, but I believe they were friends growing up.

Continue reading “But First, Feed the Five Thousand”


I had a “vision” this morning. I use that word loosely. In reality, it was more like me imagining myself being in an action movie scene, complete with a dramatic orchestral soundtrack. 1

I was walking down a nice trail with a friend. We were talking and enjoying hanging out. The views were nice. It wasn’t a piece of cake walk, but not really strenuous either — comfortably difficult. Most importantly, it headed toward a place I wanted to go.

Continue reading “Running”

  1. This may or may not happen a lot, which may or may not be especially ridiculous since I’m 42 and overweight.