Every Good Gift

Every Good Gift

WARNING: If you have young kids that know how to read, make sure they aren’t watching over your shoulder right now.

I don’t remember the exact day, but right around December 20th, 2016, I made a big mistake. I may not remember the date, but I will never forget the fallout.

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Right Now

Right Now

Right now, we are driving westward  through New Mexico in the dark, rapidly distancing ourselves from Deming. The kids are in the back seat watching movies or playing video games or drawing or something. Kelly is on the phone with a friend. And I’m sitting here on my laptop. I should be working, but instead I am thinking about the same stuff that’s been on my mind the last couple days.

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Hunger Is Not Enough

Hunger Is Not Enough

My 10-year-old son is always excited about something.  He’ll wake up in the morning and tell me, “Daddy, I’m excited.”  When I ask him why, it could be anything.  He was excited we were about to go see some old Wisconsin friends.  He was excited that a video game was scheduled to have an update.  He was excited to go swimming at a friend’s house.  He was excited to get an Emerge t-shirt (our church’s men’s ministry).  He was excited to go see Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas.  He was excited to paint his bedroom.  He was excited to have tri-tip for dinner.  He was excited to ride in Kelly’s new car.

He is always excited.

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Swing the Bat

I love baseball. I always have. I can enjoy any game, no matter who is playing. Even if it takes my team 6.5 hours and 18 innings to finally get the win (Giants vs. Nationals, 2014). Even if it’s the local high school where I don’t actually know any kids. To everyone that thinks baseball is a slow boring sport: you are wrong.

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