Four Kyles

I met a man named Kyle this week at a men’s prayer group. He’s the fourth Kyle I’ve met in the last few months.

There’s an old riddle that asks, “What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?” The answer is, of course, “your name.” Not only are our names mostly used by other people, but for the most part, we don’t even get to pick our own names either. Someone else gave us our names when we were born. We may be fine with the name on our driver’s license, or we may wonder what our parents could possibly have been thinking the day we were born.

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It’s Always Party Time

So I was thinking about Psalms 100:4 the other day.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.

Pretty simple, right? Before we come to God, we should have an attitude of than an attitude of thankfulness, and praise Him. Can’t argue with that. Seems like a wonderful instruction for the psalmist to remind us.

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But First, Feed the Five Thousand

Six months before Jesus was born, another baby boy was born.  John was a cousin of Jesus.  He was a miracle baby, born to Elizabeth, who was old and barren.

In my version of how things might have happened, I imagine that Jesus and John played together as children.  Maybe they saw each other all the time, or maybe they only saw each other at the festivals and holidays, but I believe they were friends growing up.

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