Excited Inside and Out

Excited Inside and Out

So now that I’ve decided that simply being hungry for something is not enough, and that I also need to live life with excitement, anticipation and expectation, I have a challenge: I don’t excite easily.

There are plenty of things I enjoy, or even love, but few excite me.  I enjoy steak and potatoes, but they don’t excite me—in fact, answering the question “what do you want for dinner?” is a chore.  I love baseball, but I don’t dream about going to games.  I really appreciate being able to drive places when I need to, but honestly, most cars look the same to me and I couldn’t answer you if you asked which was my favorite.

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Hunger Is Not Enough

Hunger Is Not Enough

My 10-year-old son is always excited about something.  He’ll wake up in the morning and tell me, “Daddy, I’m excited.”  When I ask him why, it could be anything.  He was excited we were about to go see some old Wisconsin friends.  He was excited that a video game was scheduled to have an update.  He was excited to go swimming at a friend’s house.  He was excited to get an Emerge t-shirt (our church’s men’s ministry).  He was excited to go see Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas.  He was excited to paint his bedroom.  He was excited to have tri-tip for dinner.  He was excited to ride in Kelly’s new car.

He is always excited.

Continue reading “Hunger Is Not Enough”