Right now, we are driving westward through New Mexico in the dark, rapidly distancing ourselves from Deming. The kids are in the back seat watching movies or playing video games or drawing or something. Kelly is on the phone with a friend. And I’m sitting here on my laptop. I should be working, but instead I am thinking about the same stuff that’s been on my mind the last couple days.
The last two weeks have been a blur. (Actually, the last three months have been a blur, but that’s a different story.) We live in San Diego, and Kelly’s parents live in Orlando. We wanted to see them for Christmas, but airfare was ridiculous. So we decided to drive. We drove 2,500 miles out there in 2.5 days, and now we’re driving that same 2,500 miles back home in 3.5 days. The extra day is nice because we don’t have to push so hard each day on the road.
So what, right?
This is my third day of public self-discovery. I’m already hungry for more and already excited about “big things”. Now I’m determined to be excited about the little things, too. But, like I said yesterday, I don’t excite easily.
Again. So what, right?
Well, I’m starting now to find ways to be excited about little things. Do I look forward to another 750 miles of driving before we finally get home sometime tomorrow? No, not really. Am I excited for one more night in a hotel bed, making it 13 straight nights of uncomfortable sleep? Do I even have to answer that? But there are two specific things that I am really enjoying about this road trip.
First, I love that my family is all together right now. I can reach out and touch each of the three most important people in the world right now. It reminds me of four years ago when we spent our year on the road in an RV. That was an amazing year full of amazing experiences, together for every moment. This Christmas road trip is bringing back a lot of memories.
Second, I love the times when the kids are occupied and Kelly and I can just talk. I’m not someone who talks just for the sake of talking, but we have had some really good conversations about our future, our business and our dreams. I can feel us growing with each mile.
Live happily with the woman you love through all the meaningless days of life that God has given you under the sun. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil.
And I’m excited about those things. Two things I love—being with my family and growth—are happening right now in the middle of an otherwise boring 5,000 mile journey.
So maybe the path to excitement starts with simply paying attention to what’s really happening right now.
One more thing. I’m also excited to get home tomorrow and sleep in my own bed!
This post is part of the Januwordy 2020 challenge. Today’s prompt is “now”.