
Scott IsaacsWitness and Worship is a blog written by Scott Isaacs.

Originally from California, Scott moved to Wisconsin in 1999 for work. Two days after his arrival, he met a girl. Kelly and Scott have now been happily married since 2001 and have two amazing children. In late 2015, the whole family, including the dog, hit the road full time, moving into a fifth wheel trailer for a year-long adventure traveling around the country. Now that their travel adventure has ended, they have settled in beautiful San Diego, attending church at Awaken Church.

With Kelly, Scott owns and operates Capewood Place, a software consulting firm.  He is the author of Beginning Windows Store Application Development—HTML and JavaScript Edition (Apress, 2013).

Scott enjoys writing and hopes to someday be good at it.  If he was ever going to write another book, it might include thoughts like the ones you’ll read here.

The name for this site—Witness and Worship—came to Scott long ago, but he sat on it for several years before deciding to use it as a place to write.  The name represents the two great commandments:

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Worship—the way that we show our love for God is through our worship.  No one else is worthy of our worship.  It is a special offering that we save for Him.

Witness—the way we show our love to our neighbors is by being a witness and example of the love that God has shown toward us.

Scott plans to use this site to remind himself of things that happen, of conversations with God and conversations with others, of ordinary thoughts and divine thoughts, and of his new understanding of ancient revelations.  It’s a place where Scott will take notes about the story of his life as he reads what the Author has written.

The site is for himself, but you’re welcome to participate.  Please read and comment on the posts.  Maybe you’re part of the revelation process.  Please feel free to reach out to Scott using one of the social media links at the bottom of each page of this site.

Photo credit: A generous Pixabay user supplied the photo used in the header of this site under a CC0 license.

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